How to tell if a PDF sent to you from CDT is print-ready, or not. The way to know if the PDF is a high-res, print-ready PDF is by the file name given to the PDF. The characters “_hr” (that’s, underscore hr) are ALWAYS appended to a PDF that is high-res and print-ready, so internally it is known that the PDF is good to go to the printer/publication. If it does NOT have the “_hr” appended to the end of the file name, then the PDF is just a low-res proof and is NOT print-ready.
EXAMPLE: MyDesignProject_hr.pdf
EXAMPLE: MyDesignProject_hr.pdf
Get the latest version of Adobe Reader here: http://bit.ly/7Z27UH
Do more with PDFs by purchasing the latest version of Adobe Acrobat here: http://bit.ly/6AEPWz
Thanks Christina! This is helpful! :)